Welcome to
RXV Wellness Village

A Place of Wellness for Everyone

Our "Everyone's Wellness" concept is meant to be an approachable and shareable wellness experience for all. Somewhere you can go with your friends and family or even with colleagues in a professional setting.

With our extensive expertise and range of wellness services, we offer accessible and engaging experiences designed to make adopting a healthier lifestyle easier for everyone, regardless of their level of experience with wellness.


The Natural Beauty of Sampran

RXV is located within the extensive 50-acre heritage property of Suan Sampran on the banks of the secluded Tha Chin River. With the preserved flower gardens and century old trees, Sampran is an ideal location for wellness.

The attraction of Sampran as a wellness destination runs deeper as Sampran is also one of the leaders in sustainable eco-cultural living accredited to international organic standards (IFOAM, EU and CANADA).



Our wellness programmes are designed to integrate modern and traditional therapies harmoniously. Our ultimate goal is to guide everyone towards better wellbeing through a curated selection of healing treatments, wellness activities and mindful experiences. 

Your Wellness in Harmony

Your wellness in harmony occurs when all the elements of body, mind, and lifestyle are perfectly aligned. This is achieved through a carefully curated balance of holistic wellness and integrative treatments. The result of being in harmony is more than the sum of the parts. Bringing all the elements together will deeply enhance your overall health & wellbeing.

Integrated Holistic Solution

At RXV, our goal is not to be a specialist in one area of wellness, rather, to be the master of blending a range of modern and traditional based wisdoms to address the bigger picture of your health and health objectives. We believe a holistic understanding of your health is the foundation on which to chart your wellness journey and define your wellness goals.


Join our community

Give your body the proper rest & care it deserves with wellness programmes that are crafted to meet your unique wellness goals. Whether you come alone, with family, or friends, you’ll find the guidance and inspiration to sustain a healthy lifestyle; building a stronger foundation for you to live your best life.

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